Graphic Design / Web Development / Brand Identity

Breviloquent is a graphic design and brand identity studio bringing clients’ stories to life on the web and in print. Our name is a real word meaning “concise” and “to the point,” with a healthy dash of eloquence. We think it’s an apt description of the work we do.

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Annefield Vineyards

Vineyard & Winery

To create a consistent brand experience across all channels, we have complemented our online work for Annefield with a full set of print and “on the ground” materials. We’ve designed two entire families of wine bottle labels, signs and promotion stands for when the founders host a booth at events, print ads in local publications, and even the vineyard’s truck-wrap.

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IdentityOther Identity Projects >>

Society for the Study of Evolution

Scientific Research Organization

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WebOther Web Projects >>

Partners HealthCare

Not-for-Profit Healthcare System

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