Summit Publishing

Trade Publisher Focusing on the Packaging Industry

We’ve done quite a bit of Web work for Summit over the years, but some of our favorite projects have been for print. Shelf Impact! was a publication covering innovative package design in consumer goods and how to get your product noticed in store aisles. Field Guide to Sustainable Packaging, a special book produced as a premium, introduced the concepts of sustainability to companies across the country.

Other work for this client:    Identity


“From the very beginning Jim and Peter got intimately involved with our project goals—going the extra mile regularly, with overtime, ideas above and beyond what we had conceived internally, etc. They wanted it to work just as much as we wanted it to work. You don’t find that kind of dedication everywhere.”

Jim Chrzan | Publisher, Summit Electronic Media

other Print work

first_notice_systems lexington_coffee new_literary_history spacecraft sam_hill_entertainment clivus_multrum wellesley_college the_festy spc amacai doodycalls stonehaus godspy iasc whistle_words annefield healthdataviz charlottesville_opera mequilibrium breviloquent