KS Rowell & Associates

Healthcare Data Consultant

After starting with the logo for this new business, we quickly moved on to her website. She needed a site the clearly and concisely explained what she does and also drove interested parties to sign up for her workshops, seminars, and lecture series. The project included designing a newsletter template, integrating social media tools, and building a blog that has become a destination for healthcare professionals.  |  View >>

Other work for this client:    Identity


“Working with Peter and Jim to create my website and newsletter has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my professional career. Establishing my own firm was both a simple (had to do it!) and frightening (what was I thinking?) decision. And the fact that I am the brand and the face of the company added to my determination that it be a true reflection of who I am, what I believe, and how I can help my clients.

Peter and Jim listened to my vision, heard my ideas, understood who I am and how I wanted to communicate with my audience and then delivered, delivered, delivered. Numerous clients have given me the best compliment I could have hoped for: ‘your website and newsletter are so you!’”

Kathy Rowell | Principal

other Web work

first_notice_systems spacecraft nyc_dohmh annefield artistfarm wildflower blanchard_group goodwin_consulting_group iasc strategic_social brightspec behavioral_criminology nature_connection david_tyler storage_bunker dauten breviloquent maywood aps sl_williamson vmdo vtcri hightech_signs dressing_rooms oculus aquaphalt remote_facilities red_spark_films moodnetwork scarpa_website hess rock_paper_scissors new_literary_history dane_street randall_scott ifc_uva corr abby_kasonik lochlin_partners klavens_law_group nacelle southeast67 healthdataviz d2_productions yet2 clean_concert ahrq lake_anna_winery msqc