Landscape Architecture & Urban Design Firm

OCULUS is a premier landscape architecture and urban design firm operating out of four offices in the U.S. and Australia. They asked us to redesign their corporate site so that the primary language of the site was the visual display of their work. We created a responsive design that displays full-screen images of their large-scale projects with user-controlled overlays for textual information. The portfolio is driven by a comprehensive database for ease of future maintenance.


“Creating a website for a design firm can be a difficult process to navigate—designers can be tough clients. Breviloquent delivered our well-received new website in part by developing a close working relationship with our US and Australia website redesign team leaders. Peter and Jim were great to work with!”

Rob McGinnis | Principal

other Web work

sl_williamson spacecraft hightech_signs artistfarm david_tyler vmdo remote_facilities ifc_uva klavens_law_group blanchard_group scarpa_website ahrq nacelle wildflower aquaphalt new_literary_history randall_scott msqc annefield nature_connection brightspec storage_bunker nyc_dohmh d2_productions abby_kasonik red_spark_films rock_paper_scissors iasc goodwin_consulting_group dane_street first_notice_systems lake_anna_winery strategic_social vtcri dauten ks_rowell breviloquent dressing_rooms aps corr southeast67 moodnetwork maywood clean_concert yet2 lochlin_partners healthdataviz behavioral_criminology hess