
Provider of Demographic Data for Consumers and Businesses

Amacai compiled and managed comprehensive databases of consumer name, address, and phone number data that were/are extremely valuable for targeted business marketing. Before the company was acquired, we designed their corporate identity and website, as well as an entire family of print pieces.

Other work for this client:    Print


“The Breviloquent team has been a crucial extension to the Amacai marketing department. They helped me turn around an all new logo, website, and collateral family that were not only visually appealing but also functional with the end user in mind. Peter and Jim are incredibly talented and offer intelligent business suggestions that have helped me make better decisions. And of course, both are a pleasure to work with!”

Jennifer Chamberlain | Director of Marketing

other Identity work

legal_scripts_interactive randall_scott dressing_rooms lexington_coffee first_notice_systems mockingbird APS summit_greener_package city_lax sycamore_keys cpower apex_clean_energy faulkner_labs roadmap_coffee jarmans_gap_mt_farm lake_anna_winery rob_garland iasc spc_logo ks_rowell new_literary_history klavens_law_group moodnetwork sse charlottesville_opera annefield CHP nacelle storage_bunker intermedia bellaluna eagle_productivity_solutions lochlin_partners